re: Fix bug #144394 and win USD 200

Interested developers,

I would like to offer the first contributor (individual or team) $US200.00 to having issue 144394 resolved, as per email below.  I'm hoping this is big enough carrot!  Payment will be via Paypal.  I'll leave it up to Lars, Hans, and Steffen to be the judge of the best offered solution.

I think a time frame for completion of four weeks from now should be enough.  If anyone has any issues with four weeks, let me know.

Hans, Lars, Steffen, can we have this mentioned on Dia's web site?


Timothy Bogie

From: "Steffen Macke" <sdteffen gmail com>
Sent: Friday, 13 October 2006 5:08 AM
To: "discussions about usage and development of dia" <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Fix bug #144394 and win USD 100

Hello All,

Dia has received quite an amount of donations over the past
months (A big thanks to Tim Bogie who is doing the majority of
the donations).

This puts us in a position where we can offer USD 100 for the one
who provides a fix of bug 144394:

The payment can be made through Paypal.

If you are a developer and would like to receive some monetary rewards
for fixing other bugs or implementing things, please put your proposals

Other ideas how to burn the money are also welcome.

Happy Coding!

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