Re: adding semantics to dia format

Dnia 28-06-2008 o godz. 22:27 Marleine Daoud napisał(a):

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Hans Breuer <hans breuer org> wrote:

From my understanding there is a lot of semantics in the dia format, so yes  it should be possible. But I can't really claim I have understood what you are asking for ;-)

Can you please specify where are the semantics in the dia format?

By semantics I meant like well defined tags that would facilitate the part of filtering for example. Another example would be to use these semantics to provide a text-to-speech features for the disabled people.

Technically, one could read dia:layer name and in that dia:object type and then all of dia:attribute name and their value.

For universal readers the problem would be that there are "#" characters in the strings of dia format (have no idea why are they in there). If they wouldn't be there an UML class would be seen as eg. "class name, field name, type, another field, type...". The reader wouldn't know what it is reading, but you could make some sens of it. A simple XSL could transform Dia to more readable HTML/XML, but "#" characters makes it almost impossible.


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