Re: REMINDER Enquiry diaw.exe for commercial using

Dear Dirk Haller,

there were two answers to your initial mail. I guess you didn't receive them because you're not subscribed to the Dia mailing list. You can find these answers as well as additional information (similar questions have been asked before) in the mailing list's archive:

Below is another attempt to answer your questions

On 03.08.2012 17:05, Dirk Haller wrote:
Please send a formal quotation with specify terms and conditions for
delivery as well as availability, anticipated delivery time and delievery
charges/proccesing fees and dealer discounts.
Dia is free software released under the terms of the GPL version 2
All the terms and conditions are specified in the license text:

There are no costs, though you might charge for shipping & handling and media, if you wish.
See the license text for the details.
We also need to know which operating system the software supports.
If you look to, you'll find binary installation packages for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X. Most Linux distributions ship with Dia.
Also we
need informations on which language
do you´ll deliever the software.
Besides English, Dia has been translated to more than 60 languages. Though not all translations are complete.
An overview of the translation status is available from

As Dia is open source, you're free to add missing translations.

At last let us know on which form the
software will be delievered: Boxproduct or electronicaly delievery.
I'm not aware of any boxed Dia package. Is "Boxproduct" a hard requirement for you?
How is the procedure after the first year if our customer buy the
support/maintenance option. Will renewal this automatically and our
customer must cancel this explicit ??
If so we need to know the details about the cancellation procedure.
I'm not aware of commercial support for Dia.
You can get free support through the mailing list and/or the bug tracker.
Is this sufficient? Or do you need certain guaranteed response times?



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