Fw: Custom Shape <default-height> is not honored

Thanks Hans.

I discovered that after I sent the mail :-)
------Original Message------
From: Hans Breuer
Sender: dia-list-bounces gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
ReplyTo: discussions about usage and development of dia
Subject: Re: Custom Shape <default-height> is not honored
Sent: May 11, 2012 18:08

At 10.05.2012 19:58, James R wrote:
I have two custom shapes with a rectangle with a textbox.
In the 1st shape, the textbox is sized to match the svg:rect.
In the 2ns shape, the textbox is below the svg:rec.

The 1st shape renders correctly by default - 3x1.
The 2nd shape does not - it renders 3x2.5.

I guess you are expecting the size of the rectangle alone to be
like the the default size? If so you should not select resize="yes"
for the textbox, which adjust the shape size with the textbox included.
Using resize="no" should do the trick.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
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