Re: Dia 0.97.2 for Windows - moved all objects to different layer. saved - ruined my connections!

Hi Andrey!

Thanks for answering. I cannot find such a backup. I have .autosave file and .dia~. They are both broken too.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Andrey Repin <anrdaemon freemail ru> wrote:
Greetings, Dmitry Sutyagin!

> I had objects and linking lines in the same layer. Then I decided to move
> objects to another layer and keep lines where they are. I did this,
> checking if this breaks connections - it did not (did not yet save). I
> moved every object to another layer and saved. After I reopened my diagram
> I found that all connections are broken and almost every line has one end
> at 0,0 coordinates. An error pops up saying that connection point blabla
> does not exist on blah-blah and that there are some 50 similar messages.

Sadly, Dia doesn't work well with inter-layer connections.
Especially not on cross-layer object moves.
Known issue.

> How can I fix my diagram without manually reconnecting every line end with
> where it is supposed to be?

Open the automatically created backup file.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 12.02.2014, <15:56>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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