Re: Sozi integration

On 01/10/2015 03:50 PM, Hans Breuer wrote:
   - apparently bounding box calculation is not completely correct
     with rotation (try to "rubber-band" selecting sozi-frame #6)
I don't understand how to "rubber-band" and how to reproduce what you mean.
   - with sozi-frame
To select sozi-frame #6 in the file it is not possile to simply click on it, because that frame is completly covered by 
#12 and #7. To select #6 on the canvas click outside of all objects on the canvas, left to #6 and drag the 
"rubber-band" until it completley includes #6, but no other object on that layer. When releasing the mouse 
button #6 should get selected.
If it does not either the rectangle was too small to cover the whole bounding box or the bounding box was 
miscalculated. I assume the later.

Indeed, i compute the bounding box as the union of the geometry bounding box and the text bounding box.

I made the test you suggest by enclosing the text and it works. So i suppose that i should only ignore the 
text in the bounding box calculus ? What do you think about this fix ?

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