Re: 190212 Use of Dia - Export Question

Hi Peter,

Thanks for contacting the mailing list.

I've had a look at Dia 0.97.2 and there are a few things you can try:

1. The exported scale is adjusted from File -> Page Setup -> Scaling (Scale factor 100 means normal scaling)
2. Export the diagram as a .png and then convert that to an .wmf (this combined with the point above is what I would recommend as I've found it to be the most stable)
3. Exporting as "Cairo WMF".  There are two ways to export a .wmf file.  In the"Determine file type" drop-down menu in Export there are:
  3.a "Windows Meta File (*.wmf) but also
  3.b "Cairo WMF (*.wmf)" you might get more mileage with this one - though I've seen it cropping diagrams too much.  This can be alleviated by having an invisible element somewhere off the main diagram.
4. Try the newest (unstable) Windows build: (scroll down).  Dia 0.97.2 is from ~2014.  The version linked is from a couple of weeks ago :-)

Let us know how this goes!


On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 at 17:14, Peter Hallewell <p hallewell hr4 co uk> wrote:



I have recently downloaded diaw.exe 0.97.2, onto a Windows 10 laptop. I’ve created a flowchart and have exported this to WMF file. The problem I have is that the export process only creates a 35-40KB file, with very low resolution.


I have looked through the software, help file and help lists, to see if there are any settings I need to change, in order to get a good resolution WMF file. However, I have been unsuccessful. I get the same issue if I export as a JPEG.


Is there something that I am missing or not doing? The Dia software potentially provides me with an easy way of creating flowcharts but at the moment it’s not giving me the outputs I need. If I output an image from Illustrator as a WMF file, I get perfect resolution but Illustrator is not good for creating flowcharts.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best Regards




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