Re: Features

Hey Emmanuel

Some interesting ideas

Must admit (1) was already something I'd thought of, unfortunately with the current architecture it's not
actually that simple to do

If you open some feature request[s] at I can't promise
they'll ever happen but at least it won't be lost & forgotten in mailing list archives


Zander Brown <zbrown gnome org>

  Dia Diagram Editor
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On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 09:08 -0600, Emmanuel Bustos via dia-list wrote:
Hi! I downloaded Dia a couple of days ago and I'm really glad to see yet another incredible free tool out there!

There's a couple of features that I'd like to know if are in your plans:

1 - Search tool for diagram components in the app: This shouldn't be too hard to implement and it would drastically improve the workflow.
2 - Object relative snapping: It would be great to enable objects snapping between themselves. This would provide a much easier way of aligning items like in Visio for example.
3 - Relative object aligning: This would be incredibly useful. I find myself constantly needing this feature. For example, if I had 3 objects vertically aligned and distributed and I wanted to align another object with the middle one, I should have a "vertically/horizontally align object 4 with object 2" type of option, which would align object for without affecting the other 3 objects alignment and distribution.

Thank you for the awesome program!
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