Re: Drupal 5

On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 13:50 +0100, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed Drupal 5ß2, and tried to post a blog entry with my
> freshly apt-get'd Drivel 2.0.3. There are 2 problems:
> - Drupal permits spaces in usernames, Drivel does not.
> - Whichever protocol I tried, Drivel refuses to connect to Drupal (it
> says "There was a problem when sending informations to the server.
> Please try again later"). Maybe I have to type a special URL somewhere ?

Replying to my own mail here:
- first issue is solved, I had to enter some kind of special URL
- second issue is worst than I thought: not only Drivel displays warning
dialogs, but it directly uses the username as a GConf directory name, so
special characters (space in my case) are rejected by GConf. Maybe
Drivel should urlencode the username ?


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