Re: Use scanner to Rename File and Directory using single character of mask

Thanks David. I'll take a look at the code and see if it's something I feel comfortable tackling.

On 8/10/2015 10:12 AM, David King wrote:
Hi Casey

On 2015-08-08 23:17, Casey <caseyeasytag rcpt at> wrote:
Is it possible to create a mask that would use only a single character
of a replacement mask?  For example, given the following:

   Artist = Cake
   Album = Motorcade of Generosity
   Title = Jolene

could I create a mask that would rename to
/C/Cake/Motorcade of Generosity/Jolene.mp3

I envision something like "/%a1/%a/%b/%t" where the "1" in "%a1" would
specify how many characters to output.

There is already a long-standing bug about this (although the description is not as detailed):

I do not have much time at the moment, but if someone wants to implement this, the feature is in scan_dialog.c, the et_scan_generate_new_filename_from_mask function.

The reason I'm looking for something like this is that the head unit in
my car will take a USB flash drive but has issues with more than 250
files or folders at any given level.  I'm hoping to reduce the nesting
by creating 26 directories (A-Z) at the root level with the full artist
name as a sub-directory under that initial character.

This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for describing your use case!

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