Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] About GUDev in ekiga

On 04/03/14 15:31, Julien Puydt wrote:
Le 03/03/2014 19:02, Julien Puydt a écrit :

I just pushed a GUDev-based device monitor in ekiga.

The current state of matters is that it detects video input devices when
you plug/unplug them when ekiga runs. It compiles, and it looks like it
works (I have various notifications... and the device appears in the
list... is it supposed to do more?).

The next steps are:
- see if people report success with it too ;
- try to do the same for audio input/output (shouldn't be too hard...) ;
- remove the hal-dbus code.

I tried to get to the core of the matter today, and my findings are the

(1) For video, what I have done should just work (hence I removed those
parts from the hal-dbus code).

(2) For audio, GUDev won't give what we want. In fact, according to, for audio devices,
one should use the same library for device enumeration and for device
use. That doesn't work for us, since we can use pulseaudio, oss, alsa,
etc... So I don't think we can actually replace HAL yet.

(3) For network interfaces, what we have uses NetworkManager through
DBUS to trigger signals... and that's all. The signals aren't used! We
have code for nothing!

I would suggest getting rid of the whole stack (including my new code),
to be replaced by something better later.

As you wish.


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