[Ekiga-list] Ekiga 2.0.3 interface binding

Konrad Karl kk_konrad at gmx.at
Tue Oct 3 11:17:15 UTC 2006


Ekiga does not recognize new network interfaces, e.g.
TUN adapters from OpenVPN so I have to shutdown and
restart whenever I want to make a call thru the VPN.
(did not check with 2.0.2 because I now have a working
2.0.3 on current Fedora Rawhide)

Should not there be also an option to bind to
all network interfaces? 

unrelated Question:

When will the Windows Version become ready? The GTK for
Windows version conflicts are really a mess....
gaim needs GTK x.y, Ekiga needs a.b etc ad nauseam.

I did not try yet, is it possible to have multiple
GTK installations on Windows at the same time?

Best greetings,

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