[Ekiga-list] pkg-config problem

Edie Morton edie_morton at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 4 02:44:36 UTC 2007

Need help. Please see below.
Thanks in advance
    I'm trying to install the source version of ekiga on an RedHat 8.0 server. When I run the command 
  $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install
  an error associated with pkg-config comes up.
  checking for GDU_MODULE_VERSION_CHECK.......
  The recommended fix is to adjust PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables
  GDU_MODULE_VERSION_CFLAGS and GDU_MODULE_VERSION_CHECK_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config
  I looked at the pkg-config man page but don't understand how to set the variables. Can you help me with the fix so that I can get ekiga installed and running. Spent days trying to resolve this. 
  Also once ekiga is installed how do I launch the application?
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