[Ekiga-list] Green video problem, Philips webcam SPC620NC, Linux UVC, Ekiga 2.0.12

Hello to everybody on this list,

my system is Debian etch i686, the camera is a Philips SPC620NC. I built 
the uvcvideo.ko module from the Linux UVC SVN trunk. luvcview works 
without problems with the camera and video quality is good.

I tried with these Debian packages from etch-backports: Ekiga 2.0.11, 
Opal 2.2.11, PTlib 1.10.10. The problem also exists with Ekiga 2.0.12 
built from the source tar archive.

The video is not usable, because it has a green colouring and horizontal 
and vertical stripes. Apart from the green colouring and stripes, 
apparently the video is alright and Ekiga runs stably. In the video 
settings i can adjust brightness, whiteness, color, and contrast, which 
each has effect on the video.

The video test in the configuration druid gives this error message:
Failed to open the device
Could not open the chosen channel with the chosen video format.

I tried to build Ekiga from the SVN trunk, but ./autogen.sh led to an 
error, GTK 2.10.0 is required, but 2.8.20 is in etch.

Before continuing my efforts, I would like to ask if there is a chance 
that building Ekiga, Opal and PTlib from the SVN trunks will solve this 

A green video problem is also reported in this message, it is a 
different camera but it uses the Linux UVC driver too:

Thank you and best regards,


P.S., output from luvcview and lsusb:

luvcview -f yuv -s 640x480 -l

luvcview version 0.2.1
 size width: 640 height: 480
Video driver: x11
A window manager is available
video /dev/video0
Available controls of device 'Camera 1' (Type 1=Integer 2=Boolean 3=Menu 4=Button)
V4L2_CID_BASE         (predefined controls):
 index:9963776    name:Brightness                       type:1 min:0     max:37    step:1     def:24    now:24
 index:9963777    name:Contrast                         type:1 min:0     max:200   step:1     def:124   now:124
 index:9963778    name:Saturation                       type:1 min:0     max:200   step:1     def:121   now:121
 index:9963788    name:White Balance Temperature, Auto  type:2 min:0     max:200   step:1     def:1     now:0
 index:9963792    name:Gamma                            type:1 min:1     max:31    step:1     def:18    now:18
V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE (driver specific controls):
max 37, min 0, step 1, default 24 ,current 25
Control name:Brightness set to value:25
max 37, min 0, step 1, default 24 ,current 24
Control name:Brightness set to value:24
max 200, min 0, step 1, default 124 ,current 125
Control name:Contrast set to value:125
max 200, min 0, step 1, default 124 ,current 124
Control name:Contrast set to value:124
max 200, min 0, step 1, default 121 ,current 122
Control name:Saturation set to value:122
max 200, min 0, step 1, default 121 ,current 121
Control name:Saturation set to value:121
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Gain up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Gain down error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Sharpness up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Sharpness down error
max 31, min 1, step 1, default 18 ,current 19
Control name:Gamma set to value:19
max 31, min 1, step 1, default 18 ,current 18
Control name:Gamma set to value:18
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Pan up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Pan down error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Tilt up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Tilt down error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
reset pantilt error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Get value of light frequency filter error
Current light frequency filter: 50Hz
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Switch light frequency filter error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Absolute Exposure up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Absolute Exposure down error
Set Auto Exposure on error
Set Auto Exposure off error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Balance Temperature up error
ioctl querycontrol error 22
Set Balance Temperature down error
Set Auto Balance on error
Set Auto Balance off error

lsusb -v -d 0471:0333

Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0471:0333 Philips 
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               2.00
  bDeviceClass          239 Miscellaneous Device
  bDeviceSubClass         2 Common Class
  bDeviceProtocol         1 Interface Association
  bMaxPacketSize0        64
  idVendor           0x0471 Philips
  idProduct          0x0333 
  bcdDevice            0.00
  iManufacturer           0 
  iProduct                1 USB Video Camera
  iSerial                 0 
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength          422
    bNumInterfaces          4
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          0 
    bmAttributes         0x80
      (Bus Powered)
    MaxPower               98mA
    Interface Association:
      bLength                 8
      bDescriptorType        11
      bFirstInterface         0
      bInterfaceCount         2
      bFunctionClass         14 Video
      bFunctionSubClass       3 Video Interface Collection
      bFunctionProtocol       0 
      iFunction               1 USB Video Camera
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass        14 Video
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Video Control
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              1 USB Video Camera
      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                13
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      1 (HEADER)
        bcdUVC               1.00
        wTotalLength           77
        dwClockFrequency       48.000000MHz
        bInCollection           1
        baInterfaceNr( 0)       1
      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                18
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
        bTerminalID             1
        wTerminalType      0x0201 Camera Sensor
        bAssocTerminal          0
        iTerminal               0 
        wObjectiveFocalLengthMin      0
        wObjectiveFocalLengthMax      0
        wOcularFocalLength            0
        bControlSize                  3
        bmControls           0x00000000
      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                11
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      5 (PROCESSING_UNIT)
      Warning: Descriptor too short
        bUnitID                 3
        bSourceID               1
        wMaxMultiplier          0
        bControlSize            2
        bmControls     0x0000157b
          White Balance Temperature
          Backlight Compensation
          Power Line Frequency
          White Balance Temperature, Auto
        iProcessing            18 
        bmVideoStandards     0x1a
          NTSC - 525/60
          SECAM - 625/50
          NTSC - 625/50
      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                26
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
        bUnitID                 6
        guidExtensionCode         {580009d2-e76f-4624-8512-76cdd8dda14e}
        bNumControl             2
        bNrPins                 1
        baSourceID( 0)          3
        bControlSize            1
        bmControls( 0)       0x03
        iExtension              0 
      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
        bTerminalID             2
        wTerminalType      0x0101 USB Streaming
        bAssocTerminal          0
        bSourceID               6
        iTerminal               0 
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x82  EP 2 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0008  1x 8 bytes
        bInterval              16
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        1
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           0
      bInterfaceClass        14 Video
      bInterfaceSubClass      2 Video Streaming
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              0 
      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                            14
        bDescriptorType                    36
        bDescriptorSubtype                  1 (INPUT_HEADER)
        bNumFormarts                        1
        wTotalLength                    33536
        bEndPointAddress                    0
        bmInfo                              2
        bTerminalLink                       1
        bStillCaptureMethod                 1
        bTriggerSupport                     0
        bTriggerUsage                       1
        bControlSize                        1
        bmaControls( 0)                    27
      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                            27
        bDescriptorType                    36
        bDescriptorSubtype                  4 (FORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED)
        bFormatIndex                        1
        bNumFrameDescriptors                2
        guidFormat                            {32595559-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71}
        bBitsPerPixel                      16
        bDefaultFrameIndex                  1
        bAspectRatioX                       0
        bAspectRatioY                       0
        bmInterlaceFlags                 0x00
          Interlaced stream or variable: No
          Fields per frame: 1 fields
          Field 1 first: No
          Field pattern: Field 1 only
          bCopyProtect                      0
      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                            54
        bDescriptorType                    36
        bDescriptorSubtype                  5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
        bFrameIndex                         1
        bmCapabilities                   0x01
          Still image supported
        wWidth                            640
        wHeight                           480
        dwMinBitRate                1179648000
        dwMaxBitRate                147456000
        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize      614400
        dwDefaultFrameInterval         333333
        bFrameIntervalType                  7
        dwFrameInterval( 0)            333333
        dwFrameInterval( 1)            400000
        dwFrameInterval( 2)            499998
        dwFrameInterval( 3)            666666
        dwFrameInterval( 4)            999996
        dwFrameInterval( 5)           1333332
        dwFrameInterval( 6)           1999992
      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                            62
        bDescriptorType                    36
        bDescriptorSubtype                  5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
        bFrameIndex                         2
        bmCapabilities                   0x01
          Still image supported
        wWidth                            320
        wHeight                           240
        dwMinBitRate                1179648000
        dwMaxBitRate                147456000
        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize      153600
        dwDefaultFrameInterval         166666
        bFrameIntervalType                  9
        dwFrameInterval( 0)            166666
        dwFrameInterval( 1)            200000
        dwFrameInterval( 2)            333333
        dwFrameInterval( 3)            400000
        dwFrameInterval( 4)            499998
        dwFrameInterval( 5)            666666
        dwFrameInterval( 6)            999996
        dwFrameInterval( 7)           1333332
        dwFrameInterval( 8)           1999992
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        1
      bAlternateSetting       1
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass        14 Video
      bInterfaceSubClass      2 Video Streaming
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              0 
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x83  EP 3 IN
        bmAttributes            5
          Transfer Type            Isochronous
          Synch Type               Asynchronous
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x1400  3x 0 bytes
        bInterval               1
    Interface Association:
      bLength                 8
      bDescriptorType        11
      bFirstInterface         2
      bInterfaceCount         2
      bFunctionClass          1 Audio
      bFunctionSubClass       2 Streaming
      bFunctionProtocol       0 
      iFunction               1 USB Video Camera
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        2
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           0
      bInterfaceClass         1 Audio
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Control Device
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              1 USB Video Camera
      AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      1 (HEADER)
        bcdADC               1.00
        wTotalLength           38
        bInCollection           1
        baInterfaceNr( 0)       3
      AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                12
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
        bTerminalID             3
        wTerminalType      0x0201 Microphone
        bAssocTerminal          0
        bNrChannels             1
        wChannelConfig     0x0000
        iChannelNames           0 
        iTerminal               0 
      AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                 8
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      6 (FEATURE_UNIT)
        bUnitID                 5
        bSourceID               3
        bControlSize            1
        bmaControls( 0)      0x43
          Automatic Gain
        iFeature                0 
      AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
        bTerminalID             4
        wTerminalType      0x0101 USB Streaming
        bAssocTerminal          0
        bSourceID               5
        iTerminal               0 
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        3
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           0
      bInterfaceClass         1 Audio
      bInterfaceSubClass      2 Streaming
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              0 
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        3
      bAlternateSetting       1
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         1 Audio
      bInterfaceSubClass      2 Streaming
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 
      iInterface              0 
      AudioStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      1 (AS_GENERAL)
        bTerminalLink           4
        bDelay                  1 frames
        wFormatTag              1 PCM
      AudioStreaming Interface Descriptor:
        bLength                29
        bDescriptorType        36
        bDescriptorSubtype      2 (FORMAT_TYPE)
        bFormatType             1 (FORMAT_TYPE_I)
        bNrChannels             1
        bSubframeSize           2
        bBitResolution         16
        bSamFreqType            7 Discrete
        tSamFreq[ 0]         8000
        tSamFreq[ 1]        11025
        tSamFreq[ 2]        16000
        tSamFreq[ 3]        22050
        tSamFreq[ 4]        32000
        tSamFreq[ 5]        44100
        tSamFreq[ 6]        48000
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            1
          Transfer Type            Isochronous
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0100  1x 256 bytes
        bInterval               4
        bRefresh                0
        bSynchAddress           0
        AudioControl Endpoint Descriptor:
          bLength                 7
          bDescriptorType        37
          bDescriptorSubtype      1 (EP_GENERAL)
          bmAttributes         0x00
          bLockDelayUnits         0 Undefined
          wLockDelay              0 Undefined
Device Qualifier (for other device speed):
  bLength                10
  bDescriptorType         6
  bcdUSB               2.00
  bDeviceClass          239 Miscellaneous Device
  bDeviceSubClass         2 Common Class
  bDeviceProtocol         1 Interface Association
  bMaxPacketSize0        64
  bNumConfigurations      1
Device Status:     0x0000
  (Bus Powered)

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