Re: [Ekiga-list] Unable to compile 3.2.4 on Ubuntu Jaunty


> I followed
> the wiki to compile the SVN snapshot,

since Ekiga, as far I can see, is being tracked in Git, not SVN, the question also coming up is which packages have you compiled and installe: ptlib, opal, *and also* ekiga itself?

> But when I try to start Ekiga from terminal, it tells me Ekiga's not
> installed.

And you did't try to start it from the same shell in which you previously started the pre-packaged Ekiga? Since if you did, the shell would probably have remembered the location of the previous install, then if you run "ekiga" again, say that it's missing. Rehash the shell's file cache (shell specific) or simply start a new shell (/terminal). And/or use the full path, like /usr/local/bin/ekiga or accordant to your configuration settings.


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