Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga on Ubuntu using DSL

kapetr wrote:
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:08:00 +1100
From: mat101 <matthews632 netspace net au>
To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga on Ubuntu using DSL
302G D-Link modem
Message-ID: <4B872D00 8040403 netspace net au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
Thanks for the response Rob.

kapetr also suggested that I try an sip account
with twinkle -
it works well. The server-side STUN service of
may be the
important factor that allows DSL modems to conduct
a voip interaction.
I'll try using the same sip account with Ekiga when
time allows. Thanks
for the advice.



The working of twinkle is NOT due to iptel workaround. Twinkle works
without problems with ANY account I have try, even with ekiga account.

The reason is simple - in twinkle is STUN support not buggy :-)
So I have NOT to make some port forwarding, ...
It just works, why twinkle send to the communication partner proper public
(from outside accesable) pair  IP/PORT resolved by STUN request/replay.
Thats all.

If ekiga would do the same, as it should, it wold be working too.

See my report:

Check the wireshark output - see SDP in INVITE packet !

Ekiga works with only (really ONLY) iptel account and only when calling
something on iptel. To make call somewhere else is (of course) not possible.

BTW - the workaround by iptel I have described in previous post.  

I have spend many hours in studying wireshark and twinkle logs, and I
99,999% sure, I'm right: Ekiga can't work behind comon ((port)restricted)


ekiga-list mailing list
ekiga-list gnome org

Thanks kapetr. Points duly noted.

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