Re: [Ekiga-list] Problem with partner video-image

On 24/01/11 17:51, Al Bogner wrote:
Am Mo, 24 Jan 2011 15:04:44 CET schrieb Eugen Dedu:

On 20/01/11 19:35, Al Bogner wrote:
I can see my own video image during a call, but cannot select the
video of my partner, because the menu remains grey.

Please give more information: does calling of 500 ekiga net work?

I didn't try this.

Try it and tell us if it works for both of you.

Does your partner have a camera?

Yes she does.

I think the camera should work in both cases, because we saw ourselves.
I with my Logitech C510 USB HD Webcam, while she uses the built-in
Webcam of her Samsung N 510.

Does it happen when you call, when
he calls you, or both?

It happens in both cases. In the meantime I think it could be a port
forwarding problem.

I use other SIP-providers like sipgate too. Which ports does ekiga need
open? I didn't find a way to enter a stun-server.

Sorry I can do tests only at the weekend.

We tested in the same house, it ringed, the phone was answered, but
then we saw only ourselves and could not change to the partner image.

I know that using Ekiga in the same house (behind the same router) through does not work, except using Neighbours part of the roster. Please wait until I find out the problem.


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