Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga-list Digest, Vol 56, Issue 18

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Stefan A." <stefan_a portblue de>
> To: ekiga-list gnome org
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 10:52:15 +0100
> Subject: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga Call Out account (Diamondphone) not working ("Could not register")
> Hi everyone, I recently started using Ekiga as an open source
> alternative to Skype and finally decided to give Ekiga's Call Out
> feature a try yesterday. I went ahead and signed up for an account
> with Diamondcard (Ekiga's default Call Out provider), got my payment
> confirmed and entered my account details in Ekiga. However, I have
> since been unable to get my Diamondcard account to work with Ekiga. I
> can log in to my Diamondcard account and send SMS from their web
> interface, but I haven't been able to use it with Ekiga.
> I set up the following two accounts in Edit -> Accounts:
> 1. account (for Ekiga-Ekiga calls): Registrar:
> User & Authentication user: <my username>
> Password: <my password>
> Timeout: 3600
> 2. Ekiga Call Out account (for landline/mobile phone calls & SMS):
> Registrar:
> User & Authentication user: <my Diamondcard ID>
> Password: <my Diamondcard PIN>
> Timeout: 3600
> Shortly after enabling both accounts my account shows up as
> "Registered", but my Call Out account says "Could not register
> (Failed)" and I cannot place calls to landline numbers or the
> Diamondcard echo test number (sip:441 sip diamondcard us). Of course I
> followed the instructions on
> and have entered
> the correct account ID and PIN as I found them on the Diamondcard
> homepage after logging in. When right-clicking the Call Out account
> and selecting "Consult the balance history" I am transferred to a
> Diamondcard website which tells me how much money I have charged to my
> account and how much I have used for sending SMS from their homepage,
> so the credentials I have entered are correct. I am running Ekiga
> 3.2.7 on an Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) Linux system on a variety of
> networks, normally behind a router.

It works just fine on my Debian squeeze and wheezy systems using Ekiga 3.2.7.
I got an email from diamondcard that there would be scheduled outage
of the service monday March 21st due to some server maintenance (they
said it would only affect the US). Perhaps this was the reason it
wasn't working for you. Retry today

> So this is where I am stuck now. I would love to use Ekiga to replace
> Skype for PC-to-PC and PC-to-Phone (landline/mobile) calling and SMS.
> Also, I'd really like to support a free software project such as Ekiga
> financially, but I can't seem to get around this problem and hope that
> someone can give me some advice on how to fix this. I have posted this
> on the Ubuntu Support Forums as well
> ( and will publish
> the solution there for the support of other users (of course giving
> credit to whoever helps me track down the problem :-)).

I replaced skype by ekiga a while ago and I don't regret it. I also
use google video-voice service because calls in the US are currently

Good luck


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