Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga with ipkall over VPN, 30-45 seconds of silence before something comes over the line

On 03/02/15 15:35, myLC gmx net wrote:
Hello! :-)

I'm trying to use ekiga (ekiga SIP) in connection with ipkall. I'm using a fast VPN,
which is also located in the States.
When I ring up my number from ipkall, ekiga asks me to take the connection, which I
then do. So far, so good.
Now here's the problem: Even though it's voice only, it takes about 30 to 45 seconds
before any sound goes over the line (either way). I'm guessing this has something to
do with negotiating the codecs.

I think this is because of some DNS timeouts. Could you please send us/me the -d 4 log?

Any idea on how I could speed this up (i.e. the optimal settings for ipkall)? Like
this it is simple unusable and the VPN is unfortunately a must.


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