Re: Getting marketing-list going again..

Hi Ken,

Ken VanDine wrote:
The first question I think that needs to be answered is "Who are we 
marketing to?".

That's the question that Luis's Venn diagram was addressing.

 I know in practice we are going to market to everyone, 
but we need to have a primary target.  So, are we marketing first and 
foremost to users of "Other" dekstop environments on Linux?  Or, are we 
really focusing on windows users, and switching them to Linux w/GNOME?

I think the latter. We're in a market where our main opposition
isn't another Linux desktop, it's another operating system. Even
if our share of the desktop on Linux were to go down by 5%, by
increasing the size of the Linux install base by 10, we still
increase installations of GNOME by a huge number.

That's the approach which seems to be foremost in the successful
efforts so far of GNOME desktops (Munich, Andalucia, China) and
it seems to me that's where GNOME has its greatest potential, not
by saying "We're better than KDE", but by saying "We're great!
and we lower the learning curve when Windows users are moving to
Linux!". KDE might well be able to say the same thing.


David Neary,
E-Mail: dneary free fr
Tél: 04 72 33 95 35

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