Re: Marketing list action: Market Research for GNOME and GNU/Linux

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:16:33 +1300
"John Williams" <JWilliams business otago ac nz> wrote:


These are tactical-level goals and as such can only be sensibly
defined once a strategy has been defined.  What is needed is strategic
thinking. What I mean is answers to questions like:

(1)  Who are "we"
(2)  Why should we give a toss how many GNOME users there are?

And then

(3)  Is it better to have as many users as possible, or to focus on a
select few? (Why?)
(4)  If it's better to focus, on whom do we focus?  (Why?)

I see a basic split of possibilities:

1.  Focus on existing users in order to make GNOME better for them
2.  Focus on non-users in order to induce them to use GNOME

There is no reason why it is not possible to do both, but it would
require separate strategies.

Hmm, seems I forget to sent my last answer to John to the list, too.
Well, it wasn't important.

Basically I think, we (Marketing list members) should search for someone
who's able to provide answers. Or are there any more questions that
should be asked?


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