Re: GNOME Logo Font

On 8/13/05, Máirín Duffy <duffy redhat com> wrote:
So there is a link on the wiki
( for people to download the
GNOME font (Trebuchet MS) that points to an msft core fonts src rpm on
source forge. It's a rather painful process to get the font this way; I
was wondering if it would be ok if I attached the actual ttf file to the
wiki page? (Or are there legal issues involved with that?)

[Not an answer to your question, unfortunately, Máirín- I really don't
know much about the trebuchet licensing.]

If I understand correctly- please correct me if I'm wrong- the exact
font should be switchable without jeopardizing our trademark status.
Maybe, given the repeated problems for artists downloading it,
understandable conflict with our message ;), that in theory we were
the ones who 'freed' bitstream vera, etc., we should consider
switching to vera instead?


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