Re: marketing-list Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6

On 8/10/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Maybe not so offtopic, is there any theme on the meaning of "mood"
about this release? Maybe we could use it to give the whole artwork
the same mood, I don't know if it's already done, or if the "The
official desktop of happy people" is exactly what I'm talking about.
Hope I'm not too confusing, this english thing is really dificult to
me, sorry :D

Just put my work here:
Feel free to modify and/or criticize. I would love to have a look at
your suggestions aswell.

About mood, yeah, we really needs to work on that one. This stuff is
very blue and so is osx, kde and to some extent windows too so maybe
we needs to be the green, red or purple desktop in order to stick out.
- Andreas

Did some experiments with green instead of blue and some composition
based on some comments on irc.

Is there some graphics I've forgotten about?

Those seem like the key ones. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the
curves- maybe I just have subconscious assocations between them and
Novell :) At any rate, the artists should get together in a cabal and
pick one for me :)


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