Re: Some criticisms of GNOME

How about just authoring a considered response or two in blogs / elsewhere, 
then submitting your own story to Slashdot to the effect of "here's a 
criticism of GNOME, and here's our considered response". Be open and honest 
but also put the flamebaiting to rest.

Really, if anyone can get that worked up at the lack of control over the 
colour of the window title bar then an adult response from you guys will only 
make the article (assuming it's similar in tenor to the forwarded email) look 
like a childish spat covering some interesting issues.

I think Tom's right, here. A direct, civil, and honest response would
probably be appreciated and hopefully prevent a few people from forming
an opinion based on some heated rant.

Speaking of the Slashdot crowd, would it be good to have a developer
volunteer to answer for one of "top 10 questions" posts? That way, we
could get a word in from our perspective, rather than unintentionally
encouraging speculation.

Or is most of this beyond a sanity threshold we should respond to?


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