Re: [gnome-love] writer/interviewer wanted- article suggestion for next gnome-journal

Ok for spliting the list like this. I'll take the first six if Akbar
doesn't have any trouble with this. Akbar, if you want to write about
the first six projects, let me know. I just don't have any preference,
choosing the first six is just a way to start now.

Hi there Julien, I am excited to be part of this and working with you.

I am ok with the last 6 of them. As for contacting the hackers, is
there someone from g-j who would be able to provide emails of these
people? Who would be the main contact on g-j side?

I also like the idea of language-bindings bounties. I think it would
be a good candidate if we don't hear from many of SoC guys.



and agree on a list of questions. The obvious questions I'd
suggest would be:

* 'does the project still match the initial plan? why or why not?'
Don't ask about what the project is; you already know that from the
wiki, so you can summarize that yourselves.
* 'did you enjoy the summer?'
* 'will you keep hacking on this project or GNOME after this is done?'
* 'any funny or interesting anecdotes?'

Anyway, with a 150-200 words limit, there isn't so much room for more :-).

Then email the hackers (maybe cc'ing their mentors and me?) and wait
24-48 hours for responses, nagging them after that, and then start
writing. Sound reasonable to you too?


Keep in mind the size limit
Claus mentioned- if we end up with 10 of these, none can be longer
than 150-200 words (keeping in mind the need to write an introduction)
unless you work with the g-j folks to split it up somehow.

Allright, we'll see if it's necessary when we get the answers from the

if you find that several of your people aren't responding, let me know
and I can put you in touch with this
not-GNOME-sponsored-but-basically-GNOME-anyway summer hacker :)

Cool !

Is that clear? Let me know-


All the best,
Julien Gilli

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