Re: another mild call for volunteers [was Re: made some release notes 'splash' changes]

<quote who="Luis Villa">

 a) Please use /start/ which is intended for this - no more mess!

Start and the release notes are a mess exactly because we are cramming all
these different, mostly unrelated functions into it

Okay, so don't suggest adding yet another location! The operative word in my
statement above is "more", not "mess". Yeesh.

The current layout is not as bad as you suggest. Rather than complaining,
let's review the information available on start/version/ and come up with a
non-destructive way of improving it:

 * Short intro, with meagre background. Currently version independent, but
   should really be a 100% version specific talking points message. Should
   link to /about/ for background.

 * GNOME version release notes. 100% version specific.

 * LiveCD / distro / source information. This section could be replaced with
   a great bit "GET GNOME!" image at the top right of the page, linked to
   /start/. Keep in mind, however, that the start page would have to include
   version specific information. But we can deal with that.

 * Announcements. 100% version specific.

So, two easy changes to be made, without spreading the information out even

- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
    "Stay away from my house, you freak! Can't you see that everyone is
             buying station wagons?" - Neal Stephenson, ITBWTCL

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