Re: reorg'd release notes, one request for xsl stylesheet guru-ness

I've put a cut at some reorged release notes here:

The main rewriting was on the first page, but I reorged the other
pages. I'll try to make another pass at these tomorrow, but in the
meantime please feel free to read over/critique. If there is consensus
that this is better, I'll check them in tomorrow night.

Looks very good to me. Please check the chanegs in.

However, I really think that desktop stuff (nautilus, panel, control
panels, etc) should be first in the User section. That's the core of the
GNOME environment.

One stylistic thing I'd really like to get changed- every image in
these has a <b>Figure 1.
picture-name-which-is-often-the-same-as-the-section-name </b> above
the picture. Can someone with xsl guruness make these blocks more like
in davyd's release notes:

i.e., no uber-formal-totally-uninformative 'Figure X', and italicized
below the image, instead of bolded above the image?

I am using the xsl bits in:

to generate the stuff, so that is what the changes would have to be to.

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Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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