Re: reorg'd release notes, one request for xsl stylesheet guru-ness

Le lundi 29 août 2005 à 07:20 -0400, Luis Villa a écrit :
On 8/29/05, Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net> wrote:

This looks very good! A few suggestions to hopefully improve it:

 * We should present the admin section before the developer section.

I tend to disagree.
I agree Claus. Just because there is more Admin than Developer
unfortunatly ;-). My point is, our message will be more effeciently
targetted like this.

   I think more people are interested in the changes mentioned there;
   and there's a small danger that readers drop out during the GTK+

I intend to reduce the GTK technese.

 * Likewise, I'd move the menu editor at the top of the admin section.

Reasonable. Like I said, I'd like to reorg all three tonight.

 * Maybe "GNOME 2.12 is released on time." instead of
   "GNOME 2.12 is not an exception"?

 * Maybe link to /softwaremap instead of gnomefiles directly? I guess
   some people could be worried about the missing disclaimer (license
   not clearly indicated).

Just a placeholder. I'd like it to go to as
I've been discussing with Andreas.


On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 19:28:03 -0400
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

I've put a cut at some reorged release notes here:

The main rewriting was on the first page, but I reorged the other
pages. I'll try to make another pass at these tomorrow, but in the
meantime please feel free to read over/critique. If there is consensus
that this is better, I'll check them in tomorrow night.

One stylistic thing I'd really like to get changed- every image in
these has a <b>Figure 1.
picture-name-which-is-often-the-same-as-the-section-name </b> above
the picture. Can someone with xsl guruness make these blocks more like
in davyd's release notes:

i.e., no uber-formal-totally-uninformative 'Figure X', and italicized
below the image, instead of bolded above the image?

I am using the xsl bits in:

to generate the stuff, so that is what the changes would have to be

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