Re: GNOME 3.0 Marketing Plan Kickoff


+1 - this sounds like a great idea.  I think a BoF at GUADEC is very

As I mentioned in an email a few days ago, I'd like to brainstorm some
ideas around marketing our GNOME 3.0 next year.

Selfishly, Stormy and I have signed up to have a BoF at GUADEC in July
to present this plan out - but we need your help to build the plan!
(Don't know if the BoF will be accepted yet, but I'd like to be prepared).

What other topics should we think about?  I'm going to try and moderate
the discussion to keep us on track as well, so I apologize in advance if
I offend anyone.  However, we are brainstorming - no idea is a bad
idea!  Please share your ideas and thoughts, but as we go through this
process keep on topic.

While GNOME 3.0 is very important, and probably should be the major
focus of our attention now; I think there are also some general
marketing topics that would benefit from some attention.  Improving
GNOME's ability to sell merchandise via the web, reaching out and
finding new corporate sponsors, etc.  I wonder if it might be good to
spend some time also focusing on such general issues.


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