Re: Fwd: Idea on article on a11y


On 02/22/2012 07:36 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
When dealing with the press there is always a bit of a risk especially
if you're trying to manipulate them :)

You know this is a publicly archived mailing list, yes? :) Several members of the press are members of this list too, you know...
Create a rebuttal article to the article which bemoans the
lack of good a11y.   By stating in fact that we are in fact have great
a11y support thanks to the efforts of the GNOME foundation and

Having read Carla's article, I can't find fault with a single thing she says. Juanjo said the exact same thing in this thread. GNOME 3 has regressed some from GNOME 2 with the deprecation of Bonobo and Orca didn't work well with GNOME 3.0 at all.

So - what exactly is there to rebut? Let's celebrate successes instead of trying tactics to gain notoriety (and, since she's exactly right, you end up risking a "GNOME 3 not accessible" article coming right back at you that you could spend years trying to overcome).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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