Re: GUADEC Promotion

Hello again,

I'll add some more thoughts.
Regarding the other mail you sent, it's better to have different
account (@guadec). There will be announcements that affect only the
conference (eg time of presentation changed). So for sure it's better
to have them separately.
Someone (maybe the same person) can retweet from @GNOME.

Won't this be a lot of tweets? We have around 36 talks confirmed, plus
keynotes. It could get a bit repetitive...

What do you mean? For every social network or just twitter?
It's not repetitive for every social network (mainly tweeter, g+
event, fb event) because a user might have only facebook. Most of us
have all those 3 (and more) accounts.
Regarding twitter, it's not.
Let's say we have 20 days to GUADEC. If there are 3 tweets per day
(not the same time), there are 60 posts (more than 36 talks
confirmed+keynotes+bofs etc.).
As I mentioned, those posts will be posted again during the conference
to remind-inform people to join the rooms. Even if there's no stream.

Can someone write an article about sneak peak of some presentations?

It will be cool if someone can make an android app with the schedule
and the visitor can choose from there what presentations he wants to

Also create a google plus event where everyone can upload pictures and
also a facebook event (pictures there as well). Tweets go there too.
try to use products, speakers as mentions.

Good idea. I'll add it to the list.

Try to create those 2 events with the official GNOME or GUADEC
account. People might get confused if it's not the official.
Then try to create 2 sub domains (not sure if I wrote it correctly). to forward to facebook event to forward to google plus event.

Usually the URLs of those events have numbers that no one remembers.

Regarding pictures, you can create flickr group just like this

Although I uploaded the pictures there for a previous conference, it's
kind of slow procedure to do it during the conference. But some people
might use it, so have it in mind.

Finally, if someone uses lanyard (, create an event
there as well. Check out what I created for the past conf

I don't have experience with Lanyard, but I know it's popular. Anyone
want to take this on?

I can take care of it. I finish my duties on 4th of July and then I'm
free to do it.
I'll need the twitter official GUADEC account to create it (or I can
do it for you) and then I'll prepare everything using my account. Not
sure if I can create it with mine and then I can add as admin the
official one later. I'll test it first with that and I'll let you

Try to have someone to each room that will tweet/post some key
sentences from the speech, and then the official account can retweet
and post it to other channels.

I like this idea, particularly because there's little organisational overhead.

That can be done by the person that will be responsible to present the speakers.

You might consider have with him another guy that will be on IRC and
if someone wants to ask the speaker something via IRC. But if there's
no streaming, then it's not necessary to have him stand by.

Take care.


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