Engagement meeting..

So I'd like to restart the engagement meetings, but this time no IRC.
It has proven ineffective, and I don't want to do it.  Instead, I
would like to use firefox hello or some other alternative.

From what I understand about Firefox Hello, the client libraries are
open source, but the service itself does not run on free software.


"Mozilla’s code is open source under the MPL license, and I’m told
that “the two libraries Firefox Hello uses from ToxBox are also open
source under the MIT terms.”

I think Karen had another alternative.  I will use whatever works,
provided that it does work and we don't spend 10 minutes asking if
people can hear us. :-)

Can we agree on Tuesday, at 17:00 UTC?  I will come up with agenda.  I
have some action items from the board that I would like to discuss.

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