Re: Statistics and how do we serve our website users


Is anyone interesting in compiling information out of our
Website monitoring systems?  Maybe something like Andreas
did a couple of years ago :-)

Maybe there is anything that we can learn from the data that
we gather.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 03:54:46PM +0100, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
It's been almost a full year since we started running statistics on with Piwik.
I thought it would be good to look at these numbers and see if there is 
anything we can do to improve.

What browsers does our visitors use:
* Firefox 36%
* Chrome 37%
* Other 27% (IE, Safari, Opera, Epiphany)

As all of these are pretty much good citizens when it comes to web 
standards these days, I think we're safe technically.
None of the top two browsers comes with the OS when you buy them, so 
yeah, our visitors do try out new software and run that if they find it 
better. :)

What OS are our visitors running:
* Linux 58%
* Windows 7 23%
* Windows XP 9%
* Mac OS 5%
* Others 6% (Vista, Android, iPad, Win8)

Windows making up 32% (possibly a little bit more if you add in Vista 
and Win8) makes me wondering how we can serve every 3rd of our visitors 
Any ideas?
- Andreas
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