[Evolution-hackers] Category Searching

Right now we provide searching for categories in both the calendar and
the addressbook.  The addressbook just list all the categories from the
category list, while the calendar (and tasks) makes backends track the
categories and only makes those categories in use available via the
search bar.

We need to make this consistent between the various components, the
question is how.  There are several options:

1. Make the address book backends track categories like calendar.

This is a problem for LDAP because it needs to load every single entry
in order to know all the categories.  Networked calendar backends will
have this problem moving forward as well.

2. Make the calendar/tasks searching just pull from the category list.

This needs a way to organize all the categories, we just can't list 50

3. Make category searching use a user entered string to search with
(just like name or summary).

Although this allows the user to organize, say tasks, with categories
like "Work - Project A" and "Work - Project B" and search for "Work" it
doesn't give the user all the info they could be getting.


JP Rosevear <jpr ximian com>
Ximian, Inc.

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