Re: [Evolution-hackers] The Junk problem and IMAP

I don't like the idea of only filtering INBOX, I have server side
filtering and I also have serverside spam-filtering. But since it is
hard to do adaptive spam-filtering serverside i still get some spam. 
And I realize that there are technical problems, but as an end-user of
mozilla mail (I use mozilla when I'm forced to use windows) I can't say
that I have noticed any big issues with spam-filtering with IMAP (I have
noticed that mails might get filtered on copy, but the drawbacks on
those issues are far less than with only filtering INBOX).

At least make it possible for the user to turn on filtering to all
mailboxes and live with the issues.

//Mattias Eriksson
ons 2004-02-25 klockan 13.01 skrev Not Zed:
> I propose we ONLY do junk processing on INBOX, as we do with other
> filters.  At least that gets around most of the issues without more
> nasty server-specific (or worse) hacks.  Or well, we do it in a totally
> different way (but we'll still have the issue of re-junk testing
> everything anyway, so it wont fix anything).
> If people are already doing server-side filtering, they really should be
> doing server-side junk filtering too ... (well, i did suggest we had
> per-server junk settings so we could deal with this somehow in the ui,
> but ...).

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