Re: [Evolution-hackers] Bug #50046.

On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 12:05 +0100, guenther wrote:
> Sorry, my bad. Now I see. Although my understanding of your initial
> explanation didn't change, not even with more coffee. ;)


> Yep, I noticed the missing To: field myself. But it seems, this is due
> to the formatting of that header:
> To: People who needed an example of empty lists in To field:;People who needed an example of empty lists in To field: ;, ""

That happened between me and you, and it wasn't done by any of my boxen.
I have this (I'm attaching the same message, but Evo might munge it even
when it's attached):

pentafluge /home/dwmw2/Maildir/cur $ grep ^To: ./,S
To: People who needed an example of empty lists in To field: ;
pentafluge /home/dwmw2/Maildir/cur $

... leading to the To: header being completely omitted from the display.
Perhaps if it had other addresses in it too then it wouldn't be
completely removed, as NotZed says.

> However, I actually *have* seen the behavior in Evolution, as you want.
> The message was generated by Eudora and the To: field had some
> explanatory text, whereas all the addresses where not visible, cause
> they where sent Bcc:ed.
> So I assume, this is Evolutions fault parsing the To: header?

Evo seems to have parsed it just fine, but decided for some reason to
discard part of it.

--- Begin Message ---
By way of example... this message (sent from pine because Evo can't send 
them like this) has a list in the To: field which explains why you're 
getting this mail.

It says: 
	To: People who needed an example of empty lists in To field: ;

Evolution strips the To: header from the mail before sending it, and even 
strips it on _displaying_ the mail. Unless you look at it in another MUA 
you're unlikely to see it, even if you select 'View Mail Source'.


--- End Message ---

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