Re: [Evolution-hackers] Creating a new server type

On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 21:44 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
> You shoudlnt' re-bind-text-domain, as this will affect the rest of the
> application since this runs in the evolution memory space.  The
> translation domain thing is to provide translation mechanism for the
> strings in the provider table. 

I think that I cut'n'pasted that from the evolution-exchange module.

> >     obm_provider.translation_domain = GETTEXT_PACKAGE;
> >     camel_provider_register (&obm_provider);
> This is all you need to register the type, but the only types which
> show up are ones which provide a store implementation.  So you need to
> at least provide a do-nothing store implementation, otherwise the
> provider is just skipped in the account configuration page, since that
> only shows actual stores you can get stuff from.  Remember camel is
> only for mail, so connector and the groupwise connector 'hack it' a
> bit to make it work to configure other things too.

I tried adding :

     obm_provider.object_types[CAMEL_PROVIDER_STORE] = camel_imap_store_get_type(); 

to see if it was the source of my problem, but it didn't work either.

Yes, I figured out the groupwise/exchange way was a hack. Are some of
the flags (CAMEL_PROVIDER_IS_STORAGE, etc) necessary to appear in the
server list combo-box ?

> Which version are you targeting?  Do you know that we are working on a
> new extensibility mechanism for evolution 2.2 that will let you hook
> into bits of evolution to do things like this better?  At the least it
> will let you add some new configuration buttons or a menu item where
> you can run your own separate "account configuration" system which
> will at least let you get something going, even if it isn't the
> neatest UI to do it.  But hacking it into the mail account druid isn't
> very neat either.

Targetting 2.0.1 right now, but it depends on our development speed. We
have no hard deadline. So if evo 2.2 releases before us, we will port to
2.2 before releasing. Is the target release date for 2.2 known ?

Will in 2.2 "Mail Accounts" be renamed to "Accounts", and will we be
able to skip the "identity/email/organisation" screen ?

> We're also contemplating a better account management system so you can
> create central info for use by all components, without having to hack
> it into something which was only ever designed for email.  But this is
> more work than we may have time for in the 2.2 timeframe.  i.e. a
> system which would let you create connector style accounts or and ldap
> addressbook or a mail account through the same frontend and stored in
> the same backend.
> -- 
> Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
> "born to die, live to work, it's
> all downhill from here"
> Novell's Evolution and Free
> Software Developer

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