Re: [Evolution-hackers] Sending mails using disabled accounts

Hey Guenther,
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 23:38 +0100, guenther wrote:
> Ok, I will try to remain calm -- not to shout, not to rant, not to do
> anything I may regret later.
> > > It looks like current CVS does not allow sending E-mails uing disabled
> > > accounts.
> > > 
> > > I very often disable E-mail accounts to make it possible to choose
> > > between multiple of my E-mail addresses. 
> > > 
> > > Why is this possibility blocked?
> > 
> > OK. There are several reasons. Firstly and the most obvious being that
> > when an account is disabled you should not be able to 'operate' on the
> > account. You can only *save* such mails as draft or send it using
> > another account.
> > 
> > And most importantly - the concept of being able to *send* mails using a
> > *disabled* account is pretty confusing. So now we just have a message
> > asking the user to chose another account to send e-mail.
> This issue was discussed recently on e-p, just a month ago [1]. With
> absolutely *no* conclusion. I don't see any approval for the patch
> either.
The patch which i sent did not solve #243241, i already mentioned this
in a reply to andres mail. The reason i wanted you to comment is if the
current behavior atleast 'partially' solves the issue.
Btw, the bug for which the patch i had sent was this

And as for the current behavior on the CVS. its as follows:
When a user tries to send an e-mail using a disabled account, a message
which says "You cant send this mail using a disabled account" appears.
And the only thing one could do, apart from saving the message as a
draft, is to chose one of the enabled accounts and send the message.

And yes, this behavior was with the prior approval of the UI team (FYI
it was srini who approved the patch).

> To sum up the entire thread:
>   Can we please get a decision by the UI team
>   on #243241 first?  Do we want this?
And regarding the bug #243241, ofcourse your suggestions are taken. And
we *are* really working on it. 
Philip, Brett, can you try the Guenthers suggestion on using account
only for sending (and having it enabled). That should work fine as well.
>From Guenthers mail:
Edit / Preferences / Mail Accounts / <account> Edit
  Receiving Email / ServerType: None

Edit / Preferences / Mail Accounts / <account> Enable

Yeah, a sending only account. Really. It's already available.

Guenther, this still can be done. I have it built from the current CVS
snapshot - and i can do it still. So i really dont understand what you
are complaining about.

> Why are patches sent to e-p, if the replies and discussion is going to
> be ignored anyway?

The patches like always are *sent* to the patches list and are also put
up on the bugzilla.

A rant does not help anyone. It just creates a lot of *Mess*.


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