Re: [Evolution-hackers] evolution-groupwise-maintainers

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 12:02 -0500, JP Rosevear wrote:
> I got this alias setup for bugzilla in case we want to assign groupwise
> related bugs there some how.  
> Personally I'd prefer to keep the groupwise bugs assigned to individual
> components with the groupwise keyword rather than create a separate
> product (the GroupWise product in their now was a broken attempt at
> tracking some server issues) or separate component.  We don't put IMAP
> or POP bugs in a separate component.  However it is a little different
> in this case because we have a specific group working on these bugs and
> there are currently a lot of them.  We could transfer the groupwise
> keyword bugs that aren't assigned specifically right now to
> evolution-groupwise-maintainers and periodically make sure the
> assignment is right.  This would cut down the bug traffic to
> evolution-mail-maintainers, evolution-calendar-maintainers, etc.
> Thoughts?
This idea looks good to me though i would prefer separte product. I feel having separate
product would make bug submitting easier for folks who are testing/using
groupwise and avoids even the initial mails sent when new bug is filed.
Going over bugzilla to find groupwise related bugs will be more painful
than moving an occasional non-groupwise bug present in groupwise prodcut
to evolution.


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