Re: [Evolution-hackers] Checking installation of header files for data service components

When you tell the software that the files will be located in /a/b (in
this case by using -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/a/b) and then you install it
into /g/h (by using DESTDIR=/g/h make install) then it does exactly
what you told it.

This part should usually be fine.

b) you do not need to (mis-)use DESTDIR at all.

I am using this variable in the intended way.

If you are going to object that you intentionally want to use different
install directory in configure and then install files elsewhere and
then you intentionally want to use the files from the other location
than for which the software was configured, then you did not understand
what the DESTDIR is for.

I am pointing out that there are further development and configuration
challenges to consider for reuse of such installed data.
The build scripts can be extended to look for software dependencies
in additional storage locations according to related applications.


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