Re: [Evolution] Problems while donloading my mail

On 08 Mar 2001 11:56:36 +0000, Rob Hassing wrote:

Sometimes when I'm downloading my mail, evolution just crashes.
I'm using the latest snapshot version for RH 7.0 (via Red carpet).

Is anyone else suffering from this problems as well ?

When I restart evolution and retry to download the messages, there is no problem.

I'm having the same problem. I've found that it only occurs with one
account and if I delete that account, everything works fine. Then if I
re-create it, it will work for a little while (minutes. I can check a
few times, but if I leave it for a while then check, it crashes the mail
component (sig-fault)). If I restart Evo, it will crash as soon as I
check mail. If I then delete the account it will work fine (Until I
create it again that is).

I tried deleting the filter for that account and recreating it...
deleting the mailbox it filters to and recreating it... nothing seems to
help... I just leave the account deleted for a few days, create it,
check, then delete it again...  Hmm...


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