[Evolution] Evolution Shortcuts....

This is a stupid thing to ask for, I know, but the same thing has
seriously pissed me of on Outlook and it does it on Evolution, too.

I like to use small icons on my Evolution Shortcut Bar, but why on earth
does the text have to be on the right side of the icon? Why can't it be
under the icons, like when using large icons?!?!? Of course the best
solution would be to have it configurable. Hmm. Even removing the text
completely could be an options. Just show the text as a popup when the
pointer is on it?  

I would like to use the shortcut bar as thin as possible, but now the
small icons take even more space than when using large icons.

I can understand if you/we would like to clone the good things from
outlook, but why clone the stupid ones...;-)

[How many parties do you think I'd be welcome ]
[at now that my whole face is sliding off?R.B.]

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