[Evolution] evolution comments

Couple thoughts on evolution:

- I would like to be able to print out the task list

- the calendar reminders do me no good at all if they are not displayed
until I'm actually looking at the calendar

- until a server back end becomes available for Evolution, I would
appreciate the ability to save/restore the calendar information to a
central site; maybe just some ftp space on the net where evolution
copies calendar data from upon starting up and saves to upon shutting
down.  the set-up dialog might ask for an FTP address, login and
password. whether i enter appointments at home or at work, i need to be
reminded of them when the time comes regardless of my location.  (this
could apply to all aspects of evo data like tasks and contacts, but my
most pressing need are calendar reminders)

- the "snooze" feature really needs an option to select the units; i'm
tired of calculating how many minutes are in 2.5 days or 18 hours  :-)

- in Summary view, I would like the ability to resize the frames that
show my newsfeed and summary mail/task info. I need much less space for
news feed, and more for the other stuff

- i would like evolution to make me thin, muscular, charming, dashing,
and debonnaire.  i guess i could wait for the next major version for
that though

And a question - any plans for a windows version of evolution, to use as
a migration tool for our windows users?

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