Re: [Evolution] highlight folders with new messages

If you dont want to read them, jus tread what you want, and do 'mark all
as read' ?

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 08:21, Kenneth Porter wrote:
On Sat, 2002-05-18 at 02:27, Oliver Kurlvink wrote:
hi there :)

i know there have been many discussions in the past about how to handle
the notification of new mails. afaik the current position is "to bold"
folders which have unread mails. that's okay to see whether there are
unread mails, but it does not tells you if there are new mails. just
take a folder with 200 mails and 2 unread mails. these two mails arrived
two weeks ago and you just not want read them, because they seem to be
spam. now you fetch mail and get 20 new mails.

My approach is to move all obvious spam to a separate folder. I have a
filter that catches the worst offenders. I then scan the spam folder for
any false positives and move them back to the inbox, mark all read (from
the Edit menu), switch to inbox, move all the remaining spam to the spam
folder, and again mark all read.

Any messages I've read and which need some response but which I don't
want to deal with immediately go in a ToDo folder.

My objective is to keep the Inbox empty except for new, uncategorized
mail. All expected mail is filtered to separate folders (eg. mailing
lists, specific friends, specific product support).

BTW, I'm also an ex-PMMail user. I got tired of waiting for the PMMail
developers to get things like IMAP and TLS implemented and decided to go
for an open source GUI client. If I really want a feature and no one
else wants to code it, I can always implement it myself.

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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