[Evolution] strange behaviour in vFolder editor


Does anybody else notice this?

When I open the vFolder editor the rules are listed in the order they
were created, which often doesn't match the order of the vFolders in the
Folder list.
(This is probably not strange behaviour but could they be listed in the
same order?)

So when I try to move the filters so they are in the same order the move
up and move down buttons behave very strange:
the first time the move up button is pressed the selected filter is
moved one position up, like it should.  But the second time the filter
is moved *down* instead of up!
The only way to move a filter more than 1 position up is by moving the
filter directly above it down until the filter is in the desired

Should I file this as a bug? (And the first part as a feature request?)

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram" <bram-mertens linux be>   Linux User #249103  #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #

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