Re: [Evolution] Evolution changed my login

On Monday 25 November 2002 11:44 am, Erik Bågfors wrote:
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 13:32, Arthur S. Alexion wrote:
 You are right, it doesn't sound like anything an MUA installation
 should change, but when I poked around my /etc/inittab, I found
that it had been set from /usr/bin/kdm to /etc/lib/prefdm (a gnome
component). Seems like Red Carpet assumed that, as an Evolution
user, I should be using all Gnome stuff.

prefdm is not a gnome component!  It's a small "software" that loads
the correct dm.  In your case it should load kdm for you.

I can bet that Red Carpet doesn't change it for you but you probably
installed something else that turns things back to "the way it's
supposed to be".

Right, I have learned through this experience (why does it always 
require coomputer problems to learn so much about the way computers 
work) that prefdm is a script that reads a variable in the file 
/etc/sysconfig/desktop.  The latter is a very small file that has a 
single line DISPLAYMANAGER="[preferred display manager]"
[prefered display manager] can be GNOME, KDE, KDE1, KDE2, etc.  It 
seems that Red Carpet changed that line to GNOME from KDE.

I know that it was Red Carpet because I was careful to only make the 
single change (install Evoiution via Red Carpet).  I had logged on many 
times between the last software installation and Evolution and know 
when the change occurred.

Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
mailto:arthur alexion com

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