RE: [Evolution] Evolution crashes when attempting to saveattachment

Hi all,

I've found something pretty interesting about the attachment "bug".
Reminder : when clicking the Save to Disk attachment menu-item, Evolution
would freeze, except when strace'ed or gdb'ed.

Today's news : I installed Ximian RedCarpet which comes with Evolution and
Gnome. While in Gnome, I opened the Gnome Control Center, and decided to
change the background image. When I clicked the Browse button, the same
dreaded freeze happened.

The problems seems to be related to Mandrake security utility msec. When
setting security level to anything below 4, everything's fine : Evolution
saves, and gnomecc browses... but "msec 4", and here are the freezes.

So now I think I'll move this bug report to the appropriate Mandrake
Thanks for your time, and sorry for "polluting" maybe with something a
little off-topic ...
Frédéric, any comments and/or suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks again,
Best regards,

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