[Evolution] calFBURL and calCalURI vs. freeBusyURI and calendarURI


I've just began using Evo 1.4.4 with an OpenLDAP 2.1.2 server. In the
slapd.conf I've included evolutionperson.schema. According to the schema
I could use the freeBusyURI and calendarURI attributes. But when I try
to move a contact from a local Evo contacts-folder with one of the
fields filled in, wombat tries to add the wrong attributes:

The CALURI VCard-attribute is mapped to calCalURI LDAP-attribute
ldap_add_ext returned 0
create_card: Undefined attribute type (17)
        additional info: calCalURI: attribute type undefined

The FBURL VCard-attribute is mapped to calFBURL LDAP-attribute
ldap_add_ext returned 0
create_card: Undefined attribute type (17)
        additional info: calFBURL: attribute type undefined

Anybody's got a clue of which attrobute-set is right and how to get it

Ronald van Engelen

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