Re: [Evolution] Deleting Mail from Server

If you use an IMAP server, then yes, use Ctrl-E or Actions->Expunge.  If
you do it while viewing the so-called "Trash" folder, you will delete
all the messages that have been deleted from all your local folders.

If you have no choice but to use POP, then I think the answer is no. 
Your only option is to change the setting of "keep mail on server",
check your mail (mail on server will then be deleted), then reset it to
keep the mail on the server.

As far as keeping mail for N days, or deleting from server when deleted
locally, there are such items in the wishlist but I doubt you'll see
them anytime soon.  The developers have much bigger fish to fry.

My solution was to switch to IMAP.


On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 06:36, Tom Jones wrote:
Is there a way with evolution to remove the deleted mail from your mail
server, like outlook express and outlook?  I have evolution setup to
leave the mail on the server.  However my mail box becomes quite full
because when I delete it locally it doesn't delete it from the server.



Eric Lambart <ximian nomeaning net>
No Meaning, Discorporate.

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