[Evolution] Re: Can I copy all data and configuration from Red Hat to SuSE?

Not Zed wrote:
Hmm, I think you should be able to copy everything in local without a
problem.  Anbd that includes the local addressbook, mail and calendar.

The filters.xml and vfolders.xml files in ~/evolution should be stored
in plain utf8 and so editable, or just rebuild them from scratch. 
config.xmldb should probably be removed/reset, or maybe just re-edit the
various accounts.

Well this doesn't work for some reason...

I created my accounts from scratch exited evo, ran killev and then copied 
~/evolution/local and ~/evolution/filters.xml and ~/evolution/vfolders.xml

For the first attempt I manually edited the filters.xml file but since I still 
had to modify it again in Evo I didn't bother the second time.

So dited the filters and vfolders and tolde Evo to get all mail.

During the first attempt I made the mistake of not checking whether spamd was 
running or not, so all messages ended up in my spam-folder.

So I installed and started the spamd and selected all messages and told Evo to 
apply filters.  At first this seemed to be going well but after a while (2 
hours or so) it seemd to be stuck after moving about half the folder (there 
were 714 messages in there...)

I started Evo from an xterm and it showed the following:
m8ram linux:~> evolution

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot get /OfflineFolders/paths from 
ConfigDatabase -- IDL:Bonobo/ConfigDatabase/NotFound:1.0

Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data(): could not find handler 
containing data (0x827AAF8)

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot get /OfflineFolders/paths from 
ConfigDatabase -- IDL:Bonobo/ConfigDatabase/NotFound:1.0

so I ran  ps-aux to check whether or not some processes had crashed.  None had 
(AFAIK) but I did notice that there were several spamd and spamc processes:
m8ram linux:~> ps -aux
m8ram     9851  0.0  0.6  4064 1784 ?        S    Feb07   0:02 oafd 
--ac-activate --ior-output-fd=6
root     10366  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Feb07   0:00 [eth0]
root     10412  0.0  0.2  1988  532 ?        S    Feb07   0:00 /usr/sbin/pppd 
logfd 17 call pppoe eth0 mtu 1492 mru 1492 
ipcp-accept-local im8ram    12595  0.0  0.0 19672    4 ?        S    Feb07   
0:00 kdeinit: kio_file file /tmp/ksocket-m8ram/klauncherxNZLrb.slave-socket 
/tmp/ksocket-m8ram/kghostviewwlSDm8ram    12600  0.0  0.0 26596   60 ?        
R    Feb07   0:57 kghostview -caption 
m8ram    11239  0.0  0.3  4960  792 ?        S    Feb09   0:00 
bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate --ior-output-fd=15
root     18776  0.0  0.6 16424 1672 ?        S    Feb09   0:03 /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/sbin/spamd -d -c -a
m8ram    20574  0.0  0.2  2320  664 ?        S    Feb09   0:00 /usr/bin/spamc 
m8ram    20575 90.6  3.1 17292 7940 ?        R    Feb09 645:00 /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/sbin/spamd -d -c -a
m8ram    24416  1.9  4.0 21944 10296 pts/0   S    11:31   0:04 evolution
m8ram    24430  0.0  1.5  9140 3996 ?        S    11:31   0:00 
bonobo-moniker-xmldb --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:Bonobo_Moniker_xmldb_Factory 
m8ram    24439  1.4 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:03 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24451  0.0  2.4 21372 6296 ?        S    11:31   0:00 
--oaf-ior-fd=m8ram    24461  0.0  2.4 22116 6244 ?        S    11:31   0:00 
m8ram    24474  0.3  3.7 21532 9688 ?        S    11:31   0:00 
--oam8ram    24477  0.0  2.1 18900 5436 ?        S    11:31   0:00 
--oaf-ior-m8ram    24489  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    11:31   0:00 
[netstat <defunct>]
m8ram    24490  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24491  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24492  6.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:14 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24495  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24496  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24499  0.1  2.7 21908 6896 ?        S    11:31   0:00 wombat 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:Bonobo_Moniker_wombat_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=8
m8ram    24508  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:31   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24516  0.0 10.9 53336 27988 ?       S    11:33   0:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=12
m8ram    24517  0.0  0.2  2320  664 ?        S    11:33   0:00 /usr/bin/spamc 
m8ram    24518 50.0  3.1 17292 7940 ?        R    11:33   0:52 /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/sbin/spamd -d -c -a
m8ram    24522  0.0  0.6  2548 1584 pts/1    R    11:35   0:00 ps -aux

So I ran killev, restarted the spamd and tried again, this time I disabled 
most accounts to download them one by one but Evo experienced the same 
problem (including the multiple spamd processes) during the downloading (to 
be exact after downloading 350 of 602 messages)
Also again the warning was shown in the terminal:
m8ram linux:~> evolution

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot get /OfflineFolders/paths from 
ConfigDatabase -- IDL:Bonobo/ConfigDatabase/NotFound:1.0

Can anybody tell me what is going wrong here?  And how I can work around this 
or solve it?


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